Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 2

Summary of my random acts of kindness for the week:

Monday: Let someone walk in front of me at a crosswalk in a parking lot instead of making them stand and wait longer.
Tuesday: Complimented someone on their outfit. (And I'm not sure if it counts, but I did NOT ram into a car in front of me with a Todd Akin bumper sticker on it, and I was not mean to any of the people handing out info on his behalf. It took a lot of restraint, and I think it was a very nice thing to do, to just let these people be.)
Wednesday: Left a nickel in the "Leave a Penny, Take a Penny" pile at a gas station.
Thursday: Left my change in the pop machine after buying one. It was only a dime, but it's always a nice surpise to find extra change when you don't expect it.
Friday: I bought a Diet Pepsi for a co-worker because I know he likes them, and I did not ask if he wanted one when I went out the day before. Also, I gave a friend a card and a gas gift card as a little pick me up since his wife has been in the hospital for a while.
Saturday: Held the door for the next person at a gas station when I was getting my coffee at an insanely early hour.
Sunday: I did a craft fair this weekend with a friend. As we were packing up our stuff to leave on Sunday, it was raining, which was a giant pain. I helped her carry out some of her stuff so she had one less trip to make in and out of the rain.

Nothing too creative this week. On Monday I waited over an hour in the waiting room of my doctor's office and I did not take this out on the receptionist, which a lot of people do. I thougt that was pretty nice of me too, but the lack of doing something mean does not necessarily mean I did anything nice. I was not feeling well on Tuesday and I worked late Wednesday and Thusday. It was a long week, and I wasn't feeling very positive, but I powered through anyway. And every time I did something nice for someone, I felt a little better about myself.

By the way, a few people told me that they wanted to leave a comment but they were unable to. So I checked my settings on this blog and changed them, so now people can leave comments. So feel free to do so if you want!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of leaving money in the machine-I am so doing this. Everyone gets excited when they find free money.
