Saturday, November 3, 2012

Little things for little people

It's a dinosaur hat for little heads! I am afraid I will not have very many of these for my upcoming craft fair, but I love this, so I am going to try to make as many as I can. The flash made the spikes look white, but they are actually light blue.

 And this has little bear ears. I think anything with ears on a small child is adorable, so I'm hoping this is a popular one. This is another one that I am going to try and make more of before the craft fair next weekend, maybe in a few other shades of brown so there is a variety.

And of course, I have also started making the "I'm a girl!" headband. You know, those headbands with big flowers on them that people put on their bald babies so that strangers know that their babies are girls. I have these in pink and purple and some variegated yarn as well.

Those are just some examples of things I hope to sell a lot of next weekend. I'll report back on how I did. Last time I made quite a bit of money at this craft fair, and I hope this time is even better.

1 comment:

  1. I love the things you make! You are very talented! :)
