I will begin again this week though. I consider the week starting today, and I have written down what I did today, so I will not be forgetting to post!
I don't normally get too personal on this blog or go on rants or anything, but after what happened yesterday in Orlando, I just feel like I have to say something.
I'm sad. I'm just so incredibly sad about this. This isn't too far from where I feel about this.
I'm sad that so many of the things that have come out of what happened in Orlando is just more hate! People hate guns, people hate people who hate guns, people hate terrorists, people hate people who won't call them terrorists, people hate gay people, people hate people who hate people who hate gay people. I get being angry, I really do. I'm angry too. I'm angry that there are people who would treat others this way. I am angry (and sad) that this will change nothing in this country. I'm angry that my gay friends cannot even do something as simple as donate some damn blood to help someone because of some archaic rule. I'm sad that when I think about these same friends, they have to be fearful every single day just because of their sexuality. But mostly I'm just sad that this is what our country has to show to the world. Not only that this violence happened, but that it almost happened in LA and that it seems that all we can do right now is argue about policy in this country. This is what we are showing the world that we are?
I can't do a lot. I'm just one person. But what I can do is be a light in the darkness. I can continue to perform acts of kindness and hopefully set an example that there can be good in the world. And this blog will be my reminder. I hope it will be someone else's reminder too. I'm going to, as Ghandi said, be the change I wish to see in the world.
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