Monday: Sent a message to a former co-worker who taught me an intervention to use with my work kiddos that I use all the time. Since I used it again that day, I thought I'd let her know how much I appreciated it.
Tuesday: The previous evening, one of my co-workers told us that she had a house fire. So I went to work determined to do something to help. I immediately (well, immediately after getting clearance from my supervisor) sent out a mass email to everyone in the office to let them know what happened and take up donations for a gift card.
Wednesday: I paid for someone's coffee in the drive through behind me.
Thursday: My co worker who had the house fire came back to work after missing a few days. I bought her lunch that day because she needed something to make her smile and free lunch always makes people smile, right?
Friday: The husband has had some stress at work lately and one particular person has been extremely helpful to him. I sent this person a text letting him know how much I appreciated him and the support he has given the husband.
Saturday: I ordered delivery that day. In the space where it says "additional instructions for driver" I wrote "Drive Safely!". I should also mention that I pretty much forced the husband to go SCUBA diving on this day to get himself unstressed. He said that should count as my act of kindness for the day. I just think it was being a supportive wife.
Sunday: Let someone in front of me at a merge in traffic. They are doing road construction on one of the streets to my house and a lane closes completely at one point, so I have been doing a lot of letting people in!
Monday: Complimented a member of a treatment team on the job she is doing with a client. This client has a lot of needs and I am impressed with this person's ability to handle them as she sees this client more often than I do.
Tuesday: Complimented a co-workers outfit. Shallow? Maybe a little. But I think everyone likes to hear a compliment, even if it is on what they look like.
Wednesday: Held the door with a smile for someone.
Thursday: I went to a "paint and sip" place for my birthday/birthweek. Even though it was not required or even asked for, I gave the painter a healthy tip.
Friday: And to follow up, I submitted a positive review for the painter and specifically named him in an online review.
Saturday: My birthday! I had two desserts, which was kind to me! Also, the boss of the person mentioned in the previous Friday entry was at the event that we were at. The husband and I made sure to let him know how well his employee was doing and what an asset he is to the organization.
Sunday: The husband has been working on an aspect of self improvement lately, and I have noticed some good things that he has changed. I made sure to point this out to him.
Monday: Let someone out turn out in front of me in traffic. They would have been waiting a long time had I not done that. Traffic on a street under construction when it is down to one lane is no joke.
Tuesday: I complimented a co-worker on a job well done. We don't get a lot of compliments in our field, and the success stories are long and arduous journeys, so compliments are valuable!
Wednesday: The one school I get to go to had a stack of free books that they were purging from the school library. I saw one that had a topic of something that our fantastic camp director was looking for information on, so I grabbed it for her.
Thursday: One of my co-workers was running late and did not have time to get coffee before our meeting in the morning (the horror!) so I got some for her.
Friday: Held a door for someone, despite running late myself. Even though it only took a few more seconds of my day, sometimes that seems like too much to give others. In the long run, holding that door did not make a difference at all in how late/early/on time I was to where I had to be.
Saturday: Complimented the cooks at the restaurant that we went to for dinner.
So yeah...this was a three week entry. It was intended to be a two week entry, because my co-worker who was the beneficiary of the donated gift card reads this blog (hi A!) and I didn't want her to know about it until after we gave it to her. Then time just got away from me.
Regarding the gift card and donations, I have to say that I am so glad to be a part of such a caring organization. We put together way more money that I thought we would, and so many people came out of the woodwork to offer specific household goods and other things to her. I love knowing that I work with people who are kind and generous with their money that they work so hard for, as well as building a sense of community in the organization. We work in non-profit. It doesn't pay great and we are always working hard on little resources. But when asked, people will step up.