Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 4

Sunday: Donated extra money to homeless pets at PetCo when I picked up Boomer from his grooming appointment.
Monday: Tipped someone who doesn't necessarily need tipping (carry out lunch)
Tuesday: Took an online survey for a company I recently visited and left a glowing review.
Wednesday: Picked up lunch for my team at work.
Thursday: Complimented one of my coworkers on the awesome job she does.
Friday: A friend had a really hard day on Thursday, so I followed up with her to see if she was doing okay.
Saturday: Let someone left turn in front of me out of a parking lot.

So if you are keeping track, I should be on week 5, not week 4. But I'm just going to go ahead and be honest here. I have depression, and it's a bitch. During the springtime it gets worse, which is the opposite of most people. I got hit really hard this year for some reason and during what should have been week 4, I was pretty much just going through the motions. I went to work, went grocery shopping, provided dinner, etc. But I couldn't think outside of myself. I pulled myself together though and have started back up with being mindful enough to look at other people and realize that these little acts of kindness, no matter how small, can help me to feel better about myself. I need to remember this:

Mark Twain quote:

So even when I am not feeling fond of the world, or myself, kindness is still within my power. I'm back on track and a week behind, but I will continue to try to be kind, even when that might mean that I am just being kind to myself. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Weeks 2 & 3

Sunday: Held the door for someone at a store
Monday: Let someone get in front of me in traffic
Tuesday: I saw some members of the military eating lunch as I waited for my to go order at a restaurant, so I went over and thanked them for their service.
Wednesday: I sent out an e-mail to the office after being approached by some very odd people from a goose organization (yes, a goose organization). Evidently a goose that hangs out in our corporate pond area had been covered in some sort of oil and they were trying to find it and save it. While many people would have just blown these people off, or taken their numbers and never followed up, I thought that it would be a good deed if I actually told people to look out for this goose.
Thursday: I complimented a co workers outfit. 
Friday: Held the door for someone at a gas station and made sure to smile at them.
Saturday: I let someone get in front of me to get in the turn lane on a very crowded street on my way to an event.

Sunday: Sent an e-mail to someone letting them know I was thinking about them.
Monday: Held the door for a struggling delivery man at the gas station.
Tuesday: A co-worker and I went to lunch at a Chinese place. Two of my other team members stayed back at the office, but I brought them both fortune cookies.
Wednesday: I send a text to two very important people in my life letting them know just how important they are to me.
Thursday: I put down a positive (yet anonymous) review online for a restaurant that I have been to several times near my office.
Friday: Although this was the birthday of both my husband and my best friend, it was also the anniversary of a loss. I sent an e-mail to the spouse of the person who we had lost a few years ago to let her know I was thinking about her.
Saturday: I helped a woman jump start her car when she was stuck in the middle of the road.

I know some of those things seem a little small, like holding a door or giving someone a compliment, but I know how I feel when small things like that are done for me. I think the more good you can put out in the world, the better, even if it is someone small like complimenting someone.